Class Registration FAQ
We have answers!
Can I register in-person or over the phone at Clay Art Center?
No, registration for classes is only done through our website,
Weekly classes: If you need help navigating our website before the day registration opens, you can stop by in-person, or contact us by email ( or phone (914)937-2047 x1, and one of our staff will be happy to assist you.
Is my class seat held once it is in my cart?
Class seats are not reserved while in the online shopping cart. You need to check out and complete the payment process to secure your seat(s) in class. If your purchase is successful, you will get an email receipt as the confirmation.
What forms of payment does your website accept?
Our website accepts all major credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover), Apple Pay, and Paypal.
Help! The class was available as I was entering my payment information and now the website won’t let me complete the checkout.
Unfortunately, this most likely means the class sold out while you were entering your information. Items are not reserved until checkout and payment are completed.
Should I sign up for the waitlist?
Yes! If the class you’d like to register for is sold out, sign up for the waitlist AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.
If you have successfully added yourself to the waitlist, you will get an email receipt from us.
You must go through checkout on our website in order to be on the waitlist. You will not be charged unless a seat opens and we contact you directly.
How do I know I got into my class?
If your purchase is successful, you will get an email receipt as the confirmation.
If you see a charge on your card, but did not receive a receipt from us, contact us by phone or email to request a receipt. Sometimes, mistakes can be made when entering an email address. Clay Art Center emails may also be in your junk or spam folder.
Where is the Checkout button located?
After you add the class to the Cart, you will need to click the Cart icon to reach the Checkout button.
We strongly recommend registering on either a desktop / laptop computer or a mobile phone. Tablets and iPads may block certain website features such as pop-ups.
For desktop computers and laptops, the Cart icon is located on the top right corner of the browser window. See graphic below.
For mobile phones, the Cart icon is usually located on the bottom of the screen. Add the class to the cart, then tap on the Cart icon to complete checkout. See diagram below.
What should I do if I won’t be able to access the internet during registration because of travel or personal reasons?
We recommend you ask a friend or family member to help you register for class in your stead. Have them indicate your name during checkout.
Unfortunately, we cannot hold seats for students who will be unable to register due to personal reasons (for example: travel, events, or job-related).
Classes are always sold out. How do I get into any of your classes?
Multi-week classes: you can become a member to be part of early registration. Members have the opportunity to register a few days before the term is available for the general public.
One-time classes: for our Maker Night, Saturday Clay, and Family Wheel Night classes, we put out new dates every two to three months. Sign up for our email newsletter to stay informed of new dates.
What does my membership cover?
All membership levels allow you to register ahead of the general public for multi-week classes.
When you register for a class that runs 5 weeks or longer, you receive an additional $20 to your student credit log, up to a limit of three times per calendar year.
Please be aware that for terms with two sessions (A and B), the member credit will only be applied one time per term.
Member credit will only be applied to the credit log of a member who is enrolled in an active weekly class.
Remember, classes fill up quickly on a first-come, first-served basis, and while membership gives you access to early registration, it does not guarantee a spot in a particular class.
I am a member. Can I buy a seat in a weekly course for my friend or family?
No, Individual and Junior/Senior Memberships only allow the member to purchase one seat for the named member.
Yes, if you are family and share a Family membership. Family memberships include 2 adults and up to 3 children, ages 18 and under.
You may register them at the same time as you, or you may register on their behalf. Indicate the name of the member(s) being registered during checkout.
Yes, if you and your friend both have memberships. A member may register for another member. Please note - all students registered during member-only registration periods must be active members.
Indicate the name of the member(s) being registered during checkout.
I’m a member with class credit from a past Term, how do I use my class credit?
Look for the most recent code you received in an email from Clay Art Center. This code will apply your class credit to your purchase. Email if you need your code.
I’m NOT a member but have a class credit from a past Term, how do I use my credit?
Look for the most recent tuition credit code you received in an email from Clay Art Center. This code will apply your class credit to your purchase. Email if you need your code.
Does CAC offer Open studio?
Yes, we offer Open studio only for students registered in a weekly course. Open Studio is available to currently enrolled students, on a first-come, first-served basis, and by reservation only.
We do not offer a drop-in studio program for those who are not registered in a weekly course.
Do I need to bring supplies to class?
Yes if you are in a weekly, adult course. Clay, tools, and firing fees are not included in tuition for adult classes, unless noted. You will be able to buy supplies in the studio on your first day of class.
No, if you are registered in a one-time class (like Maker Night, Saturday Clay, and Family Wheel Night), or certain youth programs. Check the course description to see if certain supplies, clay and/or firing fees are included.