Student Credit

Student Credit
All adult students in weekly courses will need student credit to purchase clay, tools and pay for firing fees. We recommend beginner classes start with $50 in credit and intermediate and advanced with $100.
Student Credit Details
Student credit comes in increments from $25 - $200.
Credit can transfer between class terms.
Clay Art Center does not refund credit logs.
Students will be reminded to purchase credit when their log has a negative balance.
CAC uses a virtual credit log. Your teacher can provide the balance to you weekly during your class or you can email for your updated balance.
Clay ranges in price from $22 - $34 per 25 lb. bag.
Main Classroom (Cone 10):
Standard White Stoneware #181 - $26
Standard Buff Stoneware #306 - $22
Standard Grolleg Porcelain #257 - $34
Annex Classroom (Cone 6):
Standard Brown Stoneware (Speckled) #112 - $25
Standard Grolleg Porcelain #365 - $33
Rates are .05 cents per cubic inch but we have simplified our measuring and pricing structure for convenience and efficiency. You will be charged through your credit log.
Tool Kits (great for beginners) are $14
Various tools range from $1-7 per tool